bux API Reference 1.11.0
Static library of whatever are seen required in general purpose but not directly supported from Modern C++. Or whatever reusable originated from my side projects.
No Matches
Test cases are organized according to ZOMBIES rules
#include <bux/EZArgs.h> // bux::C_EZArgs, bux::C_ErrorOrIndex
#include <cstdlib> // strtod()
#include <filesystem> // std::filesystem::*
#include <ranges> // std::ranges::views::empty<>
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
namespace {
// In-Module Constants
constexpr const char *const MYARGS[] = {"FOO", "X", "Y", "Z", "AAA"};
} // namespace
TEST_CASE("Null parse", "[Z]")
static constinit const char *const ARGV[]{"foo"};
REQUIRE(bux::C_EZArgs{}.parse(std::size(ARGV), ARGV));
TEST_CASE("Null help", "[Z]")
static constinit const char *const ARGV[]{"foo", "-h"};
auto ret = bux::C_EZArgs{}.parse(std::size(ARGV), ARGV);
CHECK(ret.message() ==
"USAGE: foo [-h]\n"
" -h, --help\n"
"\tDisplay this help and exit\n");
TEST_CASE("Scenario: position_args() with one argument", "[S][I]")
bux::C_EZArgs ezargs;
ezargs.position_args(std::array{"a", "b", "c"});
REQUIRE(!ezargs.parse(1, MYARGS));
REQUIRE(!ezargs.parse(2, MYARGS));
REQUIRE(!ezargs.parse(3, MYARGS));
REQUIRE(ezargs.parse(4, MYARGS));
REQUIRE(ezargs.parsed_position_argc() == 4);
REQUIRE(!ezargs.parse(5, MYARGS));
TEST_CASE("Scenario: position_args() with two argument", "[S][I]")
bux::C_EZArgs ezargs;
ezargs.position_args(std::array{"a", "b", "c"}, std::array{1,2});
REQUIRE(!ezargs.parse(1, MYARGS));
REQUIRE(ezargs.parse(2, MYARGS));
REQUIRE(ezargs.parsed_position_argc() == 2);
REQUIRE(ezargs.parse(3, MYARGS));
REQUIRE(ezargs.parsed_position_argc() == 3);
REQUIRE(ezargs.parse(4, MYARGS));
REQUIRE(ezargs.parsed_position_argc() == 4);
REQUIRE(!ezargs.parse(5, MYARGS));
TEST_CASE("Scenario: add_flag() with trigger only", "[S][I]")
bux::C_EZArgs ezargs;
ezargs.add_flag("foo", 'f', "123456abcdef", []{});
REQUIRE(ezargs.parsed_position_argc() == 0);
TEST_CASE("Scenario: argv[0] with -E -h", "[S]")
bux::C_EZArgs ezargs;
ezargs.add_subcommand("foo", []{})
ezargs.add_subcommand("bar", []{})
ezargs.add_flag("eureka", 'E', "123456abcdef", []{});
const std::string arg0 = std::filesystem::current_path() / "test1.exe";
const char *const argv[]{arg0.c_str(), "-h"};
auto ret = ezargs.parse(2, argv);
CHECK(ret.message() ==
"USAGE: test1.exe (foo|bar) ... [-E] [-h]\n"
" foo\n"
" bar\n");
TEST_CASE("Scenario: Subcommand help", "[S]") // for commit 42ee62ad4e8c3139b9785eee007dcd71030f0b3b
bux::C_EZArgs ezargs;
ezargs.add_subcommand("foo", []{})
ezargs.add_subcommand("bar", []{})
const std::string arg0 = std::filesystem::current_path() / "test1.exe";
const char *const argv[]{arg0.c_str(), "foo", "-h"};
auto ret = ezargs.parse(3, argv);
std::istringstream in{ret.message()};
std::string line;
REQUIRE(std::getline(in, line));
CHECK(line == "USAGE: test1.exe foo <eeny> [-h]");
TEST_CASE("Scenario: Parse negative number as flag value", "[S]")
double x{};
bux::C_EZArgs ezargs;
ezargs.add_flag('x', "foobar", [&](auto v){ // parse
std::string vv{v.begin(), v.end()};
x = strtod(vv.c_str(), nullptr);
const std::string arg0 = std::filesystem::current_path() / "test1.exe";
const char *argv[]{arg0.c_str(), "-x", "-.5"};
REQUIRE(ezargs.parse(3, argv));
CHECK(x == -.5);
ezargs.add_flag('.', "contrived", []{}); // trigger
x = 0;
REQUIRE(ezargs.parse(3, argv));
CHECK(x == -.5);
ezargs.add_flag('5', "contrived", []{}); // trigger
CHECK(!ezargs.parse(3, argv));
std::string s6;
ezargs.add_flag('6', "contrived", [&](auto v){ s6 = v; }); // parse
argv[2] = "-.6";
x = 0;
REQUIRE(ezargs.parse(3, argv));
CHECK(x == -.6);
C_EZArgs & add_subcommand(const std::string &name, std::invocable<> auto onParsed, const std::string &description={})
Definition EZArgs.h:193
auto parsed_position_argc() const
Definition EZArgs.h:133
C_ErrorOrIndex parse(std::integral auto argc, const char *const argv[]) const
Definition EZArgs.h:264
C_EZArgs & add_flag(std::string_view name, char short_name, std::string_view description, std::invocable<> auto &&trigger, std::invocable< std::string_view > auto &&parse)
Definition EZArgs.h:59
C_EZArgs & position_args(const std::ranges::forward_range auto &arg_names, const std::ranges::forward_range auto &count_optionals, bool unlimited=false)
Definition EZArgs.h:220