bux API Reference 1.11.0
Static library of whatever are seen required in general purpose but not directly supported from Modern C++. Or whatever reusable originated from my side projects.
No Matches
#include "AST.h" // All lex types for this parser
#include "Parser.h" // C_Parser
#include "ParserIdDef.h" // TID_LEX_Spaces
#include "Scanner.h" // C_Scanner
#include "bux/MemIn.h" // bux::C_IMemStream<>
#include "bux/StrUtil.h" // HRTN()
#include <iostream> // std::cin, std::cerr
#include <sstream> // std::ostringstream
int main()
std::string line;
while (std::cerr <<"Q: ", std::getline(std::cin, line))
if (line.empty())
// Bye!
std::ostringstream err_out;
C_Parser parser{err_out};
C_Scanner scanner{screener};
bux::scanFile(">", in, scanner);
// Check if parsing is ok
if (const auto err_str = err_out.str(); !err_str.empty())
std::cerr <<err_str <<"Fail to parse!\n";
// Acceptance
bool accepted{};
parser.eachAccepted([&](auto &p){
if (!accepted)
accepted = true;
std::cerr <<"A:\n";
auto &decl = dynamic_cast<const C_TypeDecl&>(*p);
std::cerr <<decl.m_name <<" = ";
if (auto idList = bux::tryUnlex<C_IdList>(decl.m_type))
const char *prepend = "(";
for (auto &i: *idList)
std::cerr <<prepend <<i;
prepend = ", ";
std::cerr <<")\n";
else if (auto expr = dynamic_cast<const C_BinaryOp*>(decl.m_type.get()))
// (Nested) Expression
std::cerr <<expr->toStr() <<'\n';
else if (decl.m_type)
std::cerr <<"Unknown type: " <<HRTN(*decl.m_type) <<'\n';
std::cerr <<"nullptr\n";
if (!accepted)
std::cerr <<"Incomplete expression!\n";
// Ok
std::cerr <<"Mission complete!\n";
std::string toStr(const bux::GLR::C_LexPtr &term)
if (auto expr = dynamic_cast<const C_BinaryOp*>(term.get()))
return expr->toStr();
if (auto id = bux::tryUnlex<std::string>(term))
return *id;
if (auto paren = bux::tryUnlex<bux::GLR::C_LexPtr>(term))
return '(' + toStr(*paren) + ')';
return "Unknown " + HRTN(*term);
std::string C_BinaryOp::toStr() const
return '{' + ::toStr(m_lexpr) + m_op + ::toStr(m_rexpr) + '}';
#define HRTN(t)
Definition StrUtil.h:22
std::shared_ptr< const I_LexAttr > C_LexPtr
Definition GLR.h:25
T_CoConst< T_Data, T_Lex > * tryUnlex(const C_Ptr< T_Lex > &lex)
Definition ParserBase.h:163
void scanFile(std::string_view filename, std::istream &in, I_Scanner< T_Char > &scanner, T_LexID endToken=TID_EOF, T_Encoding encoding=0)
C_IMemStreamT< char > C_IMemStream
Definition MemIn.h:56